Bligh silent on Rudd’s chances – Herald Sun
Sydney Morning HeraldBligh silent on Rudd's chancesHerald SunTHE Queensland Premier is refusing to say if Kevin Rudd will win Federal Labor's leadership war after he dragged his "good friend" into…
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Sydney Morning HeraldBligh silent on Rudd's chancesHerald SunTHE Queensland Premier is refusing to say if Kevin Rudd will win Federal Labor's leadership war after he dragged his "good friend" into… report slams detention centresABC OnlineA human rights group has released a damning report on conditions in detention centres and urged the Federal Government to change its policies. Amnesty International…
Reform to end media concentration: ConroySydney Morning HeraldA public interest test for media company mergers will ensure there are more voices in the Australian media, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy says.…
Brisbane TimesHargreaves resigns as whip over 'poor taste' jokeABC OnlineBy Kathleen Dyett Labor MLA John Hargreaves has resigned as ACT Government whip after admitting to making a joke in poor…
Yahoo!7 NewsRudd undermined govt for a year: BurkeYahoo!7 NewsKevin Rudd has been undermining the federal government for more than a year, Environment Minister Tony Burke says. He says the government…