1. Woman 'absolutely distraught' after mother's ashes stolen in Melbourne  9News
  2. Daughter pleading for return of mother's ashes stolen in Richmond | 7NEWS  7NEWS Australia
  3. Thief steals urn containing woman’s ashes in Richmond car break-in  The Age
  4. Mum’s ashes stolen in car break-in  Herald Sun
  5. View Full coverage on Google News
  1. Woman 'absolutely distraught' after mother's ashes stolen in Melbourne  9News
  2. Daughter pleading for return of mother's ashes stolen in Richmond | 7NEWS  7NEWS Australia
  3. Thief steals urn containing woman’s ashes in Richmond car break-in  The Age
  4. Mum’s ashes stolen in car break-in  Herald Sun
  5. View Full coverage on Google News

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