1. Mount Etna, Europe's highest volcano, erupts four times in six days  ABC News
  2. Etna volcano update: Intense fireworks - two lava fountain episodes over night  VolcanoDiscovery
  3. Stunning Scenes as Italy's Mount Etna Erupts for the FOURTH Time in a Week  On Demand News
  4. Etna volcano update: Intense strombolian activity from New SE crater - possibly new paroxysm after less than 24 hours?  VolcanoDiscovery
  5. Stromboli volcano (Eolian Islands, Italy) update: lava flow dying down  VolcanoDiscovery
  6. View Full coverage on Google News
  1. Mount Etna, Europe's highest volcano, erupts four times in six days  ABC News
  2. Etna volcano update: Intense fireworks - two lava fountain episodes over night  VolcanoDiscovery
  3. Stunning Scenes as Italy's Mount Etna Erupts for the FOURTH Time in a Week  On Demand News
  4. Etna volcano update: Intense strombolian activity from New SE crater - possibly new paroxysm after less than 24 hours?  VolcanoDiscovery
  5. Stromboli volcano (Eolian Islands, Italy) update: lava flow dying down  VolcanoDiscovery
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

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