- ‘He’s essentially set up his own colleagues’: Pressure on Australia’s most wanted man after raids Sydney Morning Herald
- Operation Ironside leaves Australian man Hakan Ayik a marked man NEWS.com.au
- Underworld figure Hakan Ayik unwittingly helped the AFP's biggest criminal sting ABC News
- Aussie drug lord’s chilling warning after AFP raids Daily Telegraph
- Police allege crime kingpin Hakan Ayik was the key to undercover sting The Australian
- View Full coverage on Google News
- ‘He’s essentially set up his own colleagues’: Pressure on Australia’s most wanted man after raids Sydney Morning Herald
- Operation Ironside leaves Australian man Hakan Ayik a marked man NEWS.com.au
- Underworld figure Hakan Ayik unwittingly helped the AFP's biggest criminal sting ABC News
- Aussie drug lord’s chilling warning after AFP raids Daily Telegraph
- Police allege crime kingpin Hakan Ayik was the key to undercover sting The Australian
- View Full coverage on Google News