1. Border breakthrough for NSW-Qld  Daily Telegraph
  2. NSW government 'vehemently opposes' moving Queensland border checkpoint south amid 'untenable' situation  ABC News
  3. Sydney cops sent north over fears border anger will explode  Courier Mail
  4. Photo reveals devastating border blow  NEWS.com.au
  5. Queensland records no new COVID cases, says NSW needs to come to the table on border discussions  ABC News
  6. View Full coverage on Google News
  1. Border breakthrough for NSW-Qld  Daily Telegraph
  2. NSW government 'vehemently opposes' moving Queensland border checkpoint south amid 'untenable' situation  ABC News
  3. Sydney cops sent north over fears border anger will explode  Courier Mail
  4. Photo reveals devastating border blow  NEWS.com.au
  5. Queensland records no new COVID cases, says NSW needs to come to the table on border discussions  ABC News
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

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