- Kim Jong Un vows to build 'invincible' North Korea military while slamming US for 'creating tensions' ABC News
- Kim Jong-un vows to build ‘invincible’ military while criticising US Sydney Morning Herald
- N Korea’s Kim says US, S Korea threaten peace with arms buildup Al Jazeera English
- Kim Jong-un the micro-manager designs school uniforms, ships and buses The Australian
- North Korea’s Kim says US is ‘root cause’ of tensions NEWS.com.au
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- Kim Jong Un vows to build 'invincible' North Korea military while slamming US for 'creating tensions' ABC News
- Kim Jong-un vows to build ‘invincible’ military while criticising US Sydney Morning Herald
- N Korea’s Kim says US, S Korea threaten peace with arms buildup Al Jazeera English
- Kim Jong-un the micro-manager designs school uniforms, ships and buses The Australian
- North Korea’s Kim says US is ‘root cause’ of tensions NEWS.com.au
- View Full coverage on Google News