1. Tonga volcano: 84% of population affected by ashfall and tsunami  The Guardian
  2. Covid scare on an Australian aid plane to Tonga Highlights tsunami assistance challenges | ABC News  ABC News (Australia)
  3. International aid reaches Tonga with clean water, supplies  The Washington Post
  4. ‘We had to mimic to everyone to run’: how Tonga’s volcano and tsunami disaster unfolded  The Guardian
  5. Drinking water the priority in Tonga after volcano, tsunami with Australian naval ship on the way  ABC News
  6. View Full coverage on Google News
  1. Tonga volcano: 84% of population affected by ashfall and tsunami  The Guardian
  2. Covid scare on an Australian aid plane to Tonga Highlights tsunami assistance challenges | ABC News  ABC News (Australia)
  3. International aid reaches Tonga with clean water, supplies  The Washington Post
  4. ‘We had to mimic to everyone to run’: how Tonga’s volcano and tsunami disaster unfolded  The Guardian
  5. Drinking water the priority in Tonga after volcano, tsunami with Australian naval ship on the way  ABC News
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

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